
Website Update

Website Update.

As you probably know, I’m a website designer by trade and hobby. I’ve been doing it as a hobby since 1999. My website is Websites in a

Recently, I’ve been learning how to program with a language called “PHP.” Kerry Jones, and I have been creating an extremely user-friendly database program that allows anyone to be able to update their website. We call it “Database in a Flash.” =)

Right now, its in version 2.3, and being updated every day. Kerry and I are currently installing this database program into three different websites. Once those are done, it will bring the total number of websites using database in a flash up to 5!

More to come soon,


Summer Update

Hi All,

Well I haven’t blogged in a while but I guess I should talk about my great summer!! Ash and I bought that cute little house in Feb and I decided to start my first huge garden and used every square foot possible to plant all kinds of vegetables and flowers. I counted up 11 kinds of vegetables and 9 herbs and 40 types of flowers. I had so much fun starting many of them from seed and watching them grow. I can’t even tell you how many peas, tomatoes and zucchinis I picked. Now it is Oct and everything is dying 🙁 I wish I could keep all these healthy plants alive but that’s Montana!

Trips & Activities

AshtonAnna at Cherry Valley

Ashton here again. I’ve just had the blessing of Anna’s company for 10 days straight! What a great week. Starting with our engagement party on the mainland. Then my love worked with me for a week out on Catalina Island! We had a blast!

Anna is such a hard worker. She ended up just switching around through a number of different jobs, most of witch were very tedious and widely known as “the worst jobs in camp.” Anna loved them all and always had the happy, cheerful smile that I love.

Muah to my baby.
Good night.


Missing Anna

So it has been over 5 weeks since I have seen Anna. =[

*Sadness* But there is only two weeks before I see her again!! boo yea! I love you baby. The weeks are starting to fly by like nobody’s business, so it will feel like only a day before I see you again.

Muah. Love you,


2006 Summary


To summarize the last couple months of our life:

3/13/06: Anna and I bought our first house!
3/27/06: I popped the question and Anna Said “yes”
She said Yes!
May: Ashton found a little kitten running around our yard and adopted her! Her name is Mocca (or Mocha, depending on who you ask =])

5/29/06: I got on a plane and left my two girls in Montana. =[ I think about them constantly, and can’t wait to see the love of my life again.

