Animals Ducks

Duck Update

These ducks are happy as clams, and we let them run around my office while I work. Mocha is surprisingly scared of the ducks, which is a good thing. We have named the Black Duck “Donald” (or “Don”/”Dona” if it’s a girl), and the other “Blue” (maybe “Bleu”).

ashanna's easter ducks
ashanna's easter ducks
ashanna's easter ducks
ashanna's easter ducks


Animals Ducks

Easter Present from Anna

Anna came home Today with an Easter Present for me:

ashanna's easter ducks
ashanna's easter ducks
ashanna's easter ducks
ashanna's easter ducks

Yes, they are freaking adorable. They are the newest members to our family! But not for long, Anna’s hinting at some more feathered friends. Haha.


(P.S. Today, AshAnna have been married for 6 months!)

Ranch Rosco Snow

Spring in Montana

Today was the second day of spring…

yea… about that…

Animals Mocha

Our Precious Mocha

If you haven’t heard about our precious cat, Mocha, then you haven’t talked to us recently ;). Mocha is the most adorable cat I’ve ever had. She sleeps on Anna’s pillow all night long, and cuddles under the covers until we get up. This post is dedicated to her.

Mocha on a Post:
Mocha on a Post

Mocha on a Mouse:
Mocha on a Mouse

Mocha on a Car:
Mocha on a Car

Mocha on our DISH:
Mocha on our DISH

Mocha in the In-Box:
Mocha in the In-Box
Mocha in the In-Box
Mocha in the In-Box

Mocha gets a bath:
Mocha gets a bath
Mocha gets a bath

Mocha says, “You can’t see me sleeping on Anna’s clean sheets”:
Mocha gets a bath

Mocha walking:
Mocha walking

Mocha is also very well known for badgering any “alien” dog who visits our house. This is Mocha intimidating Penelope and Pudgy:
Mocha badgers the Dog

Mocha never ceases to amaze us.

Trips & Activities

Pictures from Front Sight

In the beginning of February; Anna, Ashton, David and some of David’s Associates finally made it back to Front Sight Firearms Training Institute! To be brief, here’s a picture blog of how it went.
Front Sight has some great facilities:

Here’s a picture of the four-day defensive handgun class hard at work:

Ashton and Anna Learning how to shoot:
Anna on the firing line:


Ashton: (I am still trying to figure out why I hold my shoulder that high… meh, at least I shoot straight)

Doh… no more bullets. Looks like someone needs an Emergency Reload. (x1)

Kristy had a good time, as only Kristy can 😉

We went inside to the classroom for some instruction and some very intense learning sessions:

And then we had a beautiful purple sky on the last night of shooting:

We all had a blast, and Anna and I are very excited to go back again very very soon.

Watch out: the Second Amendment is coming
