In the beginning of February; Anna, Ashton, David and some of David’s Associates finally made it back to Front Sight Firearms Training Institute! To be brief, here’s a picture blog of how it went.
Front Sight has some great facilities:

Here’s a picture of the four-day defensive handgun class hard at work:

Ashton and Anna Learning how to shoot:

Anna on the firing line:

Ashton: (I am still trying to figure out why I hold my shoulder that high… meh, at least I shoot straight)

Doh… no more bullets. Looks like someone needs an Emergency Reload. (x1)

Kristy had a good time, as only Kristy can 😉

We went inside to the classroom for some instruction and some very intense learning sessions:

And then we had a beautiful purple sky on the last night of shooting:

We all had a blast, and Anna and I are very excited to go back again very very soon.
Watch out: the Second Amendment is coming