Animals Horses Montana

Our New Baby Horse: Expressive

We’d like to welcome the newest member to our ranch family: “Expressive” born on May 17, 2011.

We waited a long time for this foal (baby horse)! Although most horses carry a foal for 340 day, Anna’s mare, Elbe, carried this baby for 374 days! She was a month overdue. At one point, weeks after the baby was due, Anna was convinced Elbe wasn’t even pregnant; only fat. She wasn’t showing any signs of being pregnant except for the “hay belly”. As it turns out, Elbe was “cooking her just long enough to be perfect.”

As Trakehner foals must be named with the first letter of the mother’s name, her name had to start with an “E”. With the help of her Trainer, Jeannette, we decided on “Expressive”, we call her Penny for short.

She is an absolutely adorable baby Trakehner. She is not as large as our last baby, Linux, who is a colt (male).

Here are some pictures of her.

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