This weekend we went out our very first camping trip as a Family. Archer is 6 and Atley is 4, and we made it out to Lost Lake for two nights of camping.
The Reeves found this beautiful place and we had a fantastic time camping together. They have 3 children that our kids just adore. We first found the Reeves when I found their blog about being a Scientology Parent. They ended up visiting us in Montana when they were moving to Oregon, and now we live near each other.
Hiking with the Reeves This tree is named Bob. He’s three huge trees that have grown together. Break time “Fishing” at the lake
Everyone had a blast camping and playing together.
The Reeves are a huge bicycling family, and our boys were very excited to join in. Archer, Atley and Savannah went up and down this little hill outside our campsite at least a hundred times over the weekend.
Not only, did we take our kids camping for the first time, we also took 2 horses camping with us
It was an unforgettable weekend for both our families. Our kids have found a love for camping and the outdoors, which we’re excited to continue.