
Rainy Day

Yes… we’re still using heaters… This entire next week is going to be 40 degrees with a possibility of snow…

The rain did bring us a nice present thought. This was taken right off our front porch:


Animals Ranch Rosco Stone Wall

Ranch Update

Here’s another picture blog of how things are around the ranch:

Every year, for a couple weeks, our hill is covered in these yellow flowers just about the time I forget their name…

I did another load of Shale Rocks:

This bird made a nest in our Hayshed:

Rosco and Penelope watch over our land:
and play:

A “California Red Garter Snake” decided to die in front of the Hay shed to scare the “bajebas” out of Anna:

Our Duck and Chickens are GINORMOUS:

We got some lawn ornaments that double as full time lawnmowers:

What? No adorable pictures of Mocha in a picture post? Impossible!


Grub Club Ranch

Da Roof is on Fire

Today was our official Grub Club of Summer [read it was warm enough to go outside], and to celebrate we had a bonfire with smores. But it wasn’t just any bonfire:

Yes, that is a dog house on the fire, and that is Donald on the dog house. (Don’t worry, we were following all regulations regarding climbing onto burning Dog Houses. And yes we had water and shovels handy for fire suppression =]) The doghouse came with Rosco, and Rosco didn’t like it. We also didn’t like it because it was ugly. So here is it burning:

(The fire’s brightness made everything else really dark =])

Fire suppression at work:

Then we threw on another pallet, and sang songs into the night…

“Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho, a Pirates life for me…”


Anna’s New Wildflower Bed

So we took all of the rocks we found in this thicket after we burned it:

and turned it into Anna’s soon-to-be Wildflower garden:

(You’ll also notice that it has rained recently and the lighting is much better… And the fence is going up. =])


Animals Mocha Ranch Stone Wall

Pile of AshAnna Pictures

Life around AshAnna’s place has been crazy as of late. We’ve been doing so much, It would take too long to make a post for each item, so I’m going to throw them all together in picture format. I’ll try to do a little of narration to keep you on track.

First: Mocha. I’m sorry, she’s just so ridiculous I can’t help but take the pictures:
Mocha - King of the Jungle...
(This one’s so awesome I created it as a 1440×900 desktop too.)
Anna says "..."
Miracle Grow?
Depression Hurts

Ashton finally got his hair cut:
Time for Ashton's Semi-Annual hair cut

Ashanna created a flowerbed on “the dull side of the house”
Ashton makes yet another stack of rocks

Here’s the progress on the stone wall:
AshAnna's stone wall progress

We rented a post-pounder for the weekend.
Ash+Mocha on a John Deere

We woke up the other day to this:
We wake up to 3 horses all in a row

There were three of them in this next picture… but I was too slow.
Liana and Nora Drinking thirstily

And the red one was pecking at their toes
