
2021 Horse Riding!

Anna’s has built up a horse training business that is booming. She can’t take any more students right now.

Ashton even got a lesson a couple weekends ago. Today, we did an arena and trail ride with Ashton, Evan and Anna. Archer even got his horse for the arena ride.

Ashton Anna Uncategorized

2020 Newsletter

As crazy as 2020 was, we still managed to have a great year.

Archer and Atley did a lot this year. They are both loving schooling with Nana (Anna’s Mom).

Archer has been taking piano lessons, and is getting very good. He’s a Wolf in Cub Scouts, and had gotten back into Pokemon (Cards + Go).

Altey joined Cub Scouts this year with a couple friends, and is getting very good at basic math and reading.

Anna got her long-awaited four-horse barn built this year, and Ashton got to help build the tack and feed rooms.

Ashton has been working on taking his business to the next level as well as teaching his boys all of his boy scout camp songs.


New Kittens!

Meet Shadow (grey tabby) and Pepper (black/white):

Pups Trips & Activities

Happy Halloween

Atley didn’t want to wear his costume, so Ashton did!

“The Child” is Molly, out latest addition to our farm. We hope you had a safe holiday.

Chickens Oregon Ranch

Ashton’s 4th Chicken Coop Build (part 1)

It’s that time again! We’re building a better chicken coop. Last year, I built a smaller A-Frame Chicken coop for our small flock of 6 chickens. We’ve expanded to 14 chickens so we need a much larger coop and run.

The chickens are very detailed inspectors. They’ve visited me every time I’m working on the coop. The grey chicken’s name is Lavender, and she’s amazingly fearless. She laid an egg inside my coop while I was working on it yesterday.