Summer Trips & Activities

Ashton Coaches Soccer

This year, I (Ashton) got to coach a U-12 (Under 12-years-old) boys team named “Venom” for Polson FC (Polson Football Club). The head coach was Link, and we had 14 boys on the team. My neighbor’s son, Michael, was on the team, and was one of the best kickers on the team.

This was the first time I had done any sort of real coaching, so I wasn’t quite sure how advanced of soccer techniques I should teach. By the end of the year, I was teaching everything I knew, and they were just soaking it up. The kids on our team were all very talented, and we played some amazing games.

The last tournament of the season was this weekend, and we won! I wasn’t able to make it to this final tournament, but here’s a great picture from the season:

Polson FC Soccer

Ashton Anna Trips & Activities

Delphi Alumni Weekend 2010

Ashton and Anna finally made it back to a Delphi Alumni Weekend together. It was great seeing all the old friends and meeting the new kids who make up the new generation of Delphi Students. It’s only been 6 years since I graduated, but there were were a couple seniors (or recent graduates) who I actually supervised/taught when they were 3 feet tall. It was amazing seeing how these little children have grown up. Here’s a picture blog of some of the great events:


The party started with Volleyball. Where Cesar and his Lady Dragons beat us 3 to 1: