Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
from the Oregon A-Team,
Ashton, Anna, Archer, Atley and Nana
3 dogs: Rosco, Bella and Molly
4 horses: Nevada, Thunder, Maisey, and Dune
5 cats: Mocha, Bandit, Silver, Cinder and Fortress
10 chickens
As 2021 comes to a close, we look back on a very big year for our family.
Websites in a Flash

Ashton’s website development business has been primarily a solo business since 2003, but in the last couple years has expanded now to 6 people! We have 3 developers and 2 designers now working on creating beautiful, professional websites for clients all around the country.
We build custom websites in a flash! Check out some of our recently completed websites.
Sweet Pine Puppies
We only increased our animals by 1 new horse, but we’ll likely make up for that in 2022, as Anna is breeding Molly and Bella for Sweet Pine Puppies.
Now that Anna is no longer breeding horses, she has started a dog breeding business with her good friend, Katie. They have done a lot of research in finding the perfect dogs to breed. They are breeding their Bernese Mountain Dog, Labrador, and Golden Retriever dogs with a very unique breed called a Lagotto. You can find out more about their puppies on their website: Sweet Pine Puppies.
Rosco, Bella and Molly Molly returning with the boys from a field trip The eldest pet picks her bed first. 😀
Archer and Atley are doing amazing under the guidance of Anna’s mom, Carol. She does an amazing job as keeping their education fun and interesting. They go on regular outings to see and learn about all sorts of thing around Oregon.
The boys are also in Soccer and Karate and Cub Scouts. Ashton coached both of their Soccer teams, and is the Pack leader for the Cub Scout Pack 215. (And of course made them a website)
We’re all crazy about games. We still play Board games every week, and Ashton even got the boys into one of his favorite games from his childhood: Mordheim. It involves painting up your own warband (of Orcs in this case) to play.

Cub Scouts
Archer finished Wolves and Atley finished Lions this year, and they’re well on their way to their next ranks. They did very well at their Pinewood derby cars this year.
Camp Cherry Valley
Ashton was so excited this year to get to bring Archer back to his favorite scout camp: Camp Cherry Valley! Archer had just been learning to swim, so the swim check took two tries, but he pushed through it! We were very proud of him!
Sheridan Oregon
We love our small town. It hasn’t seen much improvement in the last couple decades, but it has a lot of potential. In the past year a lot of constructions has begun around town. Ashton became the Vice-President of The Sheridan Revitalization Movement, and helped to upgrade and run a Christmas House Decoration Contest this year.
Quick look back at some other photos from our year: