Mocha Ranch Snow

Lake Anna

We had an interesting thing happen this year when the snow melted. Instead of making a cute little frozen pond for us to “ice skate” on, it just kept growing. It kept snowing, raining and freezing until we ended up with a lake that is currently covering about 7 acres (including the road between our house and the neighbors).

Here’s a video where Ashton investigates where all this water is coming from:

Family Montana Summer

2009 MT Trip Summary

Hello everyone! This is Geoffrey up in Montana, and I was given the honors to write a blog for my bro so he could go out and build his barn.

In case you didn’t know, our family is here in Polson, Montana at the Ashton and Anna Headquarters, but this time the activities were epic! Ranging from barn raising to water skiing, the family has lined up for a week of fun and games in true Montana style, basically.

I created a AshtonAnna header design for this blog, which you can see here:
AshtonAnna and family header

Here are some photos of some of the activities on the Lake:

Here’s me and Ashton flying around in the tube (also a new header):
AshtonAnna at the lake

This is AshtonAnna’s “I’m on a Boat” picture:
AshtonAnna at the lake